Segment Overview


Ding Dong Doozie

Ding Dong Doozies – We’ve all had them… those moments in time where your brain may need an antacid. 

taking it for a test drive

We’ll take some products for a Test Drive so we can discuss and disclose our favorites for you!

A couple airbags

 Simply put, I’ll chat with some of my favorite folks.

Long Distance serenade

A take on Casey Kasem’s American Top 40 Long Distance Dedication — instead of sappy love stories/songs this will be old friends recalling fun music memories. AND, instead of spinning the 45, our own “Renaissance Rebel” will strum and sing your request! 

Tip o' the day

Tip O’the Day - Our version of Heloise’s Hints with everybody but Heloise, and we can’t guarantee they will be very helpful!

Yappin' Yiddish

My friend Benjamin (aka the Yiddish Yapper) will teach us a yiddish word (that language is quite funny) and tell us a tale from his youth using the featured word.

Let me tell you a story

 I’ve got many — just some of my top tales.